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New Regulations, New Software!

New Regulations, New Software!

The moving industry has been one of the most controversial and problem ridden businesses for upwards of the last 30 years. It’s been decades of complaints, investigations, righting wrongs, and good faith efforts from benevolent actors in the industry as a whole. Top movers have struggled to compete, and smaller companies are crushed between the giants and bottom feeding, fly by night companies. Worst of all, customers everywhere have had to suffer at the hands of a muddy industry. Everyone was losing money and time and dealing with immense stress. The time has finally come, and the powers that be are taking action!

A New Moving CRM for New Regulations

This year, in 2022, the DOT released new regulations to be enforced in October. These regulations are aimed at relieving the stress and mal-practice that customers face when hiring moving services. Come November, companies will be required to finalize all charges and sign the final bill in advance. This must be done a minimum of three days prior to the start of moving services. This is incredible, as it eliminates the notorious possibility of last minute price increases.

The Bill of Lading is a legal document that can not be changed once completed. This will force the hand of integrity on any company who believes they can intentionally bang customers for more money. If any changes are made to the order from the customer’s side, the office must be notified. Then, back office attention to create a brand new Bill of Lading. This is to document the additions to the order separately. This process makes it as black and white as possible.

Evolve with the Assistance of New Moving Software

Another wonderful move made by the DOT is the requirement for companies taking remote estimates to acquire video footage and/or images to represent what a customer is requesting to be moved. This eliminates any hearsay situation. It was either the customer who failed to include the inventory or the rep who failed to report the request on the file. Either way, accountability is on the way in a fiery chariot and we are excited to facilitate some of that problem solving. 

MoverXPro 360 has the privilege of being built recently, which has ironically put us way ahead of the game. We have built in features to help good companies comply with the new regulations without going bankrupt. With the requirement for video and image files for remote inventories comes a need for storage of these files. No more resorting to paying more for data storage or systems to organize this. You can use MoverXPro 360 for all your logistics management and CRM needs.

Acquiring customers more than 50 miles away from your location is a common occurrence in the modern market. Rather than waste funds sending out representatives, we’ve built in digital Bills of Lading so you can finalize orders remotely with full compliance.